Lev Erezani

Name: Lev Erezani

Pronouns: They/She

Probably AroAce. Probably. (Orchidsexual, Greyromantic. They haven't figured this out yet.)

Species: CatCrowGirlThing (scientific name Corlis Femasc)

Age: 20. She thinks that's kind of boring, actually.

Likes: A nice hibiscus tea, talking with new people, that time of night where it's not exactly like night but it's far past sunset, nesting in beds.

Dislikes: Horror, waking up too early, waking up too late, Bee messing with their nest like an ass, not being able to think of what they were gonna type without pressing random keys.

Trivia: Has an impressive collection of randomly acquired and totally not out of place statues and knickknacks.